Icon of the Trinity (Hospitality of Abraham)PLEASE EMAIL US AT:

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The icon to the left is an icon of the Holy Trinity titled "The Hospitality of Abraham" and was painted by Andrei Rublev in the 15th century. Based upon Genesis 18:1-8 it depicts three angels sitting at a table. On the table, there is a cup containing the head of a calf. In the background, Rublev painted a house (supposedly Abraham's house), a tree (the Oak of Mamre), and a mountain (Mount Moriah). The figures of angels are arranged so that the lines of their bodies form a full circle. The middle angel and the one on the left bless the cup with a hand gesture. There is no action or movement in the painting. The figures gaze into eternity in the state of motionless contemplation. There are sealed traces of nails from the icon's riza (metal protective cover) on the margins, halos and around the cup.