“To create means to simulate God, to take part in a sacrament. During the ages faith and art had the same purpose – to make the invisible visible. Today these similarities are not as strong as they used to be. Certain steps need to be taken to renew them,” said Archbishop Ravasi. He dreams to organize a pavilion of the Vatican for the Venice Biennale of 2011. There is already a suggestion by a Swiss architect to create this pavilion on water in a Venetian lagoon. It will be difficult, however, to select artists who will be invited from different continents.
In this context the representative of the Vatican called Ukrainians to “make your art accessible for the world so that we may know it, read it, see it, and understand it. Send us and exhibit your creative masterpieces. Help us get to know you. It is important for me that not only Russian creations reach the Vatican. I want to popularize the culture of other nations.”
However, when asked about a specific address where it is possible to send propositions, the president of the Pontifical Council for Culture admitted that so far there is not such place on the website of Vatican. But he assured that this problem will soon be resolved.
Also the archbishop informed about a film festival which takes place annually in Rome and that he will welcome young directors of any religion and origin who create on a spiritual theme. Archbishop Ravasi wishes to maintain continuous contact with the Ukrainian artists. He expressed hope that in the near future he will meet with them in the Vatican.
Information Department of the UGCC